
Bridging the gap between roasters and coffee farmers

Our Approach

Moii Coffee's goal is to decrease unnecessary steps in the supply chain and increase relationships between farmers and roasters. We allow small roasters to source from small farmers directly.

1. Connect with Farmers

Start by building direct relationships with coffee farmers. Our platform makes it easy to communicate your needs, ensuring full transparency and traceability.

1. Connect with Farmers

2. Request Samples

Sample coffees directly from farmers to find the perfect match for your roast. Our streamlined system helps you explore and choose with confidence.

2. Request Samples

3. Commit to Coffee

Once you've found the right beans, commit to your desired quantity and sign the contract online—quick and hassle-free.

3. Commit to Coffee

4. Ship with Ease

We handle the logistics. Your selected beans join the next container for efficient, timely delivery—no need to buy a full container.

4. Ship with Ease

Transform Your Coffee Sourcing Journey

Ready to revolutionize how you source your coffee? Join Moii Coffee and experience a seamless connection between roasters and farmers. Our innovative platform simplifies the entire process - from discovering exceptional beans to managing your inventory. Take control of your coffee's journey from farm to cup, ensure quality at every step, and build lasting relationships with producers. Start your personalized coffee sourcing adventure today and taste the difference that direct, transparent connections can make.

Who We Are

Moii is more than just an importing company. We use technology to allow roasters to collaborate directly with producers to craft and curate the coffees they offer to their customers.

Every day we are guided by our values: passion, traceability, and service.

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